#prinmoldovafărăhartă Descover the “Moldovan barrier reef”!


#prinmoldovafărăhartă Without any doubt, Republic of Moldova is one of the most gorgeous country and valuable tourist attraction. Have you ever heard that it has “Moldovan barrier reef”?

If not, then this article is definitely for you. Learn more why you do not have to go to New Zealand to see reefs. You are lucky enough to have those on your land! Sounds mysteriously, but exciting? Then check this article out. 

Toltres are picturesque limestone hills that are older than Carpathian Mountains. They used to be barrier reefs that had appeared 20 million years ago.  It became possible when Sarmatian Sea passed from sight.  Their existence enables the microclimat to create special opportunities to grow up unique plants.

Those can be named as a special detail in Moldovan national bank, because they have been found on this territory in a distant past.  Meanwhile, the toltres are compared with the New Zealand Big Barrier Reef for its rareness.

A few places where you can see the Moldovan tolters and enjoy spending time:

  • Trinca, Edinet

It is the oldest place (10 km away from the city) in Moldova that is surrounded by toltres. This place is also known for the best country’s limestone retainings. You can notice its special architecture represented through the buildings created by well-known and well-qualified craftsmen.

  • Brinzeni Canyon

This one is located not far from the village that has exactly the same name. Fun fact that as a bonus of visiting this place, you double find out about Racovet river’s track that has its destination through natural wealth such as “La Castel”, Fatesti reserve.

Have you got an idea that Moldova is one of the best places to visit? Tolters that were discussed in the article bring a special charm and desire to explore them. That is another chance to imagine how tremendous is the connection between your reality and past. Be proud!

Whatever you are wondering where you can go when the pandemic is over, here is a new and attractive spot for you to reach! Make up your mind! Share your fond memories after a trip with us, using #prinmoldovafărăhartă. Stay tuned for new opportunities to make your travel experience as much wider as you can! You can easily do it by following “Youth.md” Facebook and Instagram pages!

Reporter: Anya Manvelova.

Fii patriotul de care țara are nevoie. Prin intermediul #prinmoldovafărăhartă reporterii Youth.md te încurajează să călătoreşti, mai întâi de toate, la tine acasă. Noi venim cu sugestii şi detalii, tu vino cu dragostea de moldovean!

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