Ești în căutarea unui loc de muncă ONU în Moldova? UNHCR ANGAJEAZĂ!

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Moldova is looking for qualified candidates interested in joining a local roster for potential temporary appointment (TA) to be based in the Republic of Moldova in the PROGRAMME and PROJECT CONTROL Units.

Programme Unit (multiple positions)

The incumbent is expected to have contacts within the organization and outside the duty station, as well as with partners and other stakeholders to collect information, monitor programme activities and implement administrative requirements. The incumbent will have to establish good working relationships with their peers at country level to facilitate the collection of information and other programme management related activities. S/he is expected to stay abreast of the challenges posed by the operational context, the UN and humanitarian reform and institutional developments. The requirements include demonstrated experience in programme management, Operation Management Cycle and related processes, knowledge of Results Based-Management and computer skills (in MS office) including advanced Excel skills (pivot tables, data management, etc.). Knowledge of English language is essential.

Project Control Unit (multiple positions)

Project Control staff play a very important role in maintaining harmonious and effective partnerships, and often interact with implementing partners. As a result, incumbents need to be very mindful of all dimensions of partnerships in their interaction with partners (in accordance with the Principles of Partnership, the Code of Conduct and other relevant documents) and also contribute to reviewing, analysing and verifying Financial and Performance Implementing Partner Reports and to checking accuracy and consistency between IPFR and IPR, in accordance with project agreements. Education background in Finance, Business Administration or Accounting is desirable. Knowledge of English language is essential.

Application process

Candidates must be legally present in the Republic of Moldova at the time of application, recruitment and hire. Recruitment as a UNHCR staff member and engagement under a UNHCR affiliate scheme or as an intern is subject to proof of vaccination against Covid-19.

Applications are encouraged from all qualified candidates without distinction on the grounds of race, colour, sex, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity. We work with skilled professionals who are committed to put people first, make a real difference to people’s lives and are willing to go anywhere we are needed to get the job done.

Interested candidates should send their applications to UNHCR Human Resources Unit in Moldova mdachhr@unhcr.org or visit UNHCR careers.

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Ecaterina Braguță
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Ecaterina Braguță

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