The Future is … | Video Essay Contest

America House Chisinau invites school and university students to explore the many ways that international education is changing the world by participating in The Future Is … Video Essay Contest. 

The video essay should be a multimedia narrative that combines visuals and audio to analyze the role of international education and knowledge in empowering individuals to lead us into the future.  

A video essay is an essay, but unlike a written essay, utilizes a video’s structure to advance an argument, persuade, educate, analyze, or critique;  in an entertaining way. 

The video may showcase examples of how the democratization of education through technology and other innovations are pushing us toward a brighter future, and highlight the significance of global cooperation, diplomacy, shared goals, and unity.


  • Video is no longer than 3 minutes, filmed in horizontal format
  • It is a video-essay
  • It addresses the topic of international education
  • Send them to with the title IEW video essay
  • Deadline: November 25

The best videos will be published on America House Chisinau’s YouTube page. 

Three winners will be announced on November 30. They will be awarded certificates and prizes. 

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Centrul Cultural America House
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Centrul Cultural America House

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