If you are over 19 years old, apply for the EUROWEEK program in Poland

Starting from 1 September 2017


  • Short- 1-3 months
  • Long- 3-12 months

EUROWEEK is a seven day non-formal education and cultural program. It is happening simultaneously in three hotels, Silesia, Alexander and Slconezna in Bystryzca Klodzka, Poland. The program is being facilitated by Youth Leaders (Volunteers) coming from different countries around the world. To date, we have volunteers from Africa, Asia, North and South America and Europe. The program focuses on four key areas that the students need most especially in this fast changing environment; cross-cultural, social and communication, intellectual and creativity skills. The world is a global village today, it is therefore important for the students to be more equipped on different cross-cultural issues of the world. Euroweek brings international volunteers who can help the students broaden their perspective about cultural differences and harness their skills for international collaboration. To make this happen, volunteers provide them with information about their history, economy, tourism, culture, people, and traditions in the most interactive and personal ways that the students can remember and understand it easily.


Euroweek is also a learning space for volunteers. The volunteers can create; teach workshops and other activities that would not only benefit the students but also contribute to their growth as individuals, team players and leaders.

Duties and Responsibilities of Youth Leader (Volunteer)

  • The volunteer should prepare and present the best his/her country can offer. He/she can also include dance, music, arts, language, and show off the traditional dress and others that will make the presentation lively and interactive.
  • He/ she should also present and do different team building activities and workshops with the students.
  • He/she is highly encouraged to share and develop new team building games and workshops for the students.
  • As part of the learning process, volunteer should make a Learning Report every month to be submitted, reported and filed for future references.
  • He/she will lead and facilitate the activities together with other leaders.
  • Over- all the volunteer should actively participate in all meetings, workshops, activities with full and positive energy all the time.

Accommodation & Food

Volunteer will live in apartment named EVS HOUSE which located not far from office – 15-20 minutes by walking. Also there are a lot of stores around and it takes just 15 minutes by walking to get to the city center and 10 minutes – to the most famous street in Ankara – Tunalı. Apartment has 3+1 room – lounge, kitchen two bathrooms and equipped by Wi-Fi connection, washing machine, fridge, iron, hair dryer. There are also bedclothes and all equipment’s for cooking.

Food Money – € 120 per month

Pocket Money – € 80 per month.

Payments will be done cash within first 5 days of each month. The travel costs will be reimbursed by the coordinator accompanied by the receipt of complete and original tickets, invoices, bills, receipts, boarding cards etc. – 100% of travel costs will be reimbursed after volunteer arrived to the Hosting organization (not later than 2 weeks after).

Administrative and Logistics

  • The organization is responsible in assisting the volunteer in the provision of documents that might be required for the visa application process.
  • Any transport in connection with the project will be covered by the host organization. If the volunteer has to go to his/her work place or to his language course, those costs will be refunded after the submission of the transport tickets by the volunteer.
  • The volunteer will live on the country side in volunteers’ house and will share the room with other volunteers in Dlugopole Gorne, Poland.
  • During the Euroweek activities, volunteer has free food (Polish standard) in the hotel.
  • The organization understands the need of the volunteer to communicate better with her/his participants, thus, the volunteer will undergo a weekly Polish Lesson that the organization will provide to enable effective communication.
  • The volunteer is entitled to have a two-day break per week or 8 days free time in a month.

Allowance and other Expenses

  • The volunteer will not pay anything in the organization, however, he/she is responsible in purchasing his/her own visa, insurance, flight ticket back and forth, and local transportation fee from his/her country to the nearest train station in Dlugopole Gorne, Poland.
  • The volunteer will receive monthly allowance for food amounting 360 ZL and another 360 ZL for pocket money. (See table 1 below for further illustration)

Profile of Volunteer

  • We are looking for volunteers who are:
  • – in age 19-30 years old,
  • – who study or finished university
  • – who have driving license ( not necessary)
  • – who are good leaders, who can be leaders in Euroweek seminars
  • – very good English – because all activities are in English,
  • – volunteer should be intelligent with very good humor
  • – position volunteer is like teacher of different cultures and English.

For more information click here: Euroweek Advertisement

How to apply?

To apply for EVS vacancy send your CV to:  advit_team@yahoo.com With the subject: “Euroweek Voluntary Program- Poland” Potential candidates will be invited for an interview.

Deadline for volunteers’ applications: the 18th of June 2017.

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