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On November 7, join America House Chisinau and explore how international diplomacy shapes, influences, and, even, resolves conflicts in the Middle East. Our guest speaker – Cynthia Cook is the acting Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Moldova. Cynthia’s previous overseas assignments include the U.S. embassies in Kosovo, the Philippines, and Iraq; …

If you want to delve into the mysteries of Halloween,  are interested in how this holiday is celebrated in the USA, like to make decorations, like competitions, and want to try your chance in a Jeopardy course, then you should not miss the coolest event we organize at America House Chisinau. Grab your friends, put …

Join Rebecca Stuch, to learn about the cultural activities of Día de los Muertos and about how digital storytelling can preserve and share personal memories across generations. Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a time to remember and honor those who have departed. It is a tradition celebrated on November 1 …

Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15. During this time, they celebrate the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America by paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched …

It’s a wonderful opportunity to relive an important historical event which shaped the way the world functioned for a good part of the 20th century.  In this political simulation the participants are going to take the roles of real diplomats from the Washington Naval Conference, representing great historical powers such as the USA, France and …

Join the Young Scientist Academy at America House for a four-day Youth STEM Research workshop! Participants will learn the process of science as it is done in the professional community as they complete a short, hands-on research project bringing together technology, lab and field research, and science communication. Topics will include investigating water quality, analyzing …

Join us for an engaging discussion with Joanne Kramb, Attaché for Education and Culture at the U.S. Embassy. Born and raised in Texas, Joanne will offer an interesting perspective on the Lone Star State, sharing insights into its history, diverse culture, and traditions. Though she has lived most of her adult life in Virginia, her …

Oportunitate unică pentru lideri vizionari din diverse domenii de a dezvolta soluții inovatoare la Universitatea Harvard Cine poate participa? Loeb Fellowship este deschis pentru designeri urbani, artiști publici, dezvoltatori, jurnaliști, lideri civici, arhitecți, arhitecți peisagiști, planificatori urbani, factori de decizie politică și lideri de dezvoltare comunitară. Cei interesați trebuie să aibă o experiență de minimum …

 America House Chisinau is excited to invite you to a fun-filled day where we will celebrate International Tourism Day, all thanks to our amazing America House volunteers! What’s Happening? Kick-off Presentation: We’ll start with a presentation by our volunteers Loredana and Cristina, who will share cool insights about the magic of tourism in the U.S.  …

 In the Age of Information everything has gone digital, but where does that leave people with visual or hearing disabilities? In this presentation, we will explore Braille and American Sign Language (ASL) as alternatives to traditional audially/visually presented information. We will discuss who uses these alternatives, how they are produced and what you can do …