Nieman Visiting Fellowships la Harvard: oportunitate de cercetare pentru jurnaliști
Despre program: Nieman Visiting Fellowships de la Harvard oferă oportunități de cercetare pe termen scurt pentru persoanele interesate să dezvolte proiecte menite să susțină și să îmbunătățească viitorul jurnalismului. Din 2012, când a fost lansat acest program, 69 de burse au fost oferite pentru diferite proiecte. Eligibilitate și cerințe: Proiectele propuse trebuie să aibă potențialul …

Meet U.S. | The American Higher Education System
Join for a discussion session about life at a U.S. university! The guest speaker, Joanne Kramb, Attaché for Education and Culture at the U.S. Embassy, will provide insights into the differences between the U.S. and Moldovan education systems. She will explain how the U.S. higher education institutions operate, student life and campus culture, classroom experience, …

College Application Essay | Workshop
America House invites school students to a hands-on workshop with Claire Manning, Fulbright English Language Fellow, who will share valuable tips to help you write a standout college application essay. Through guided brainstorming activities, you will explore potential essay topics, examine different essay structures, and learn how to craft a strong conclusion. The session will …

Jurnaliștii pot studia și perfecționa la Knight- Wallace Fellowship
Knight-Wallace Fellowship 2025-2026 – oportunitate pentru jurnaliștii de a studia și a se perfecționa Program pentru jurnaliști cu experiență: Wallace House Center for Journalists anunță deschiderea aplicațiilor pentru Knight-Wallace Fellowship pentru anul academic 2025-2026. Acest program prestigios de perfecționare este destinat jurnaliștilor profesioniști care doresc să-și dezvolte competențele în diverse domenii de interes, precum educația, …

Do You Want to Become an American Spaces Volunteer?
The session is dedicated to anyone interested in volunteering at America House. Experienced volunteers will discuss various topics, including How to Apply, Program Benefits, Candidate Criteria, and Volunteer Responsibilities. They will address inquiries about the application process and provide insights into the volunteer experience at America House. Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to view …

English Conversation Club | The Role of International Diplomacy in Middle East Conflicts
On November 7, join America House Chisinau and explore how international diplomacy shapes, influences, and, even, resolves conflicts in the Middle East. Our guest speaker – Cynthia Cook is the acting Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Moldova. Cynthia’s previous overseas assignments include the U.S. embassies in Kosovo, the Philippines, and Iraq; …