In the Age of Information everything has gone digital, but where does that leave people with visual or hearing disabilities? In this presentation, we will explore Braille and American Sign Language (ASL) as alternatives to traditional audially/visually presented information. We will discuss who uses these alternatives, how they are produced and what you can do …
Data: 21 septembrie 2024Parcul „Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt”, Chișinău (acces din strada 31 august, vizavi de Maib) Program divers pentru toate vârstele Festivalul „Urban Vibes”, ajuns la cea de-a IX-a ediție, promite o experiență unică pentru iubitorii culturii urbane și hip-hop-ului. Evenimentul include competiții spectaculoase precum All Styles battle, competiții de Workout și Parkour, precum …
Join us for an engaging session on the FLEX exchange program, where we will discuss the application process, benefits, some tips and tricks on completing a successful application for FLEX, and find out the personal experiences of two distinguished alumni. The FLEX exchange program, funded by the U.S. Department of State, offers Moldovan high school …
U.S. Citizen? You can vote from abroad in 2024! On August 29, from 6-8 p.m., David Letteney, an American Voting Registration Officer, will have an open house at America House and will be able to assist any U.S. citizens who want to vote in this year’s presidential election. Stop by if you have any questions …
Join us for an engaging session on the FLEX Program, where we will explore the application process, benefits, and personal experiences of three distinguished alumni. The FLEX Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, offers Moldovan high school students the opportunity to spend an academic year in the United States. The program covers round-trip …
Curs de formare Perioada: 11-16 noiembrie 2024Locația: Ioannina, Grecia Scopul Cursului de Formare:Scopul acestui curs este de a îmbogăți tinerii lucrători cu abilitățile necesare pentru a oferi refugiaților tineri oportunități de dezvoltare a inițiativei personale și a încrederii de sine. Care sunt obiectivele? Dezvoltarea competențelor în sectorul tineretului și întărirea abilităților de proiectare și implementare …
World Day against Trafficking in Persons is a day dedicated to raising awareness about human trafficking globally. It serves as a reminder of the urgent need to combat this crime and support victims. America House plans to mark the day with a screening of a documentary about human trafficking “Not My Life: The Global Impact …
This year, we’re planning a unique celebration for International Friendship Day at America House. Join us for a day filled with board games, fun quizzes to test how well you know your friends, indoor activities, virtual travel with VR glasses, and a special gift for your friend that you will make by yourself. We invite …
In this Meet U.S. session, Irla Atanda, Pickering Fellow at the U.S. Embassy Chisinau, will delve into her personal journey and experiences growing up as a Latina and African American in the United States. She will explore the complexities of navigating dual identities, the intersectionality of race and ethnicity, and the challenges and triumphs that …
Campionatul de dezbateri pe teme de implicare civică – program competitiv în cadrul căruia participanții dezbat probleme legate de responsabilitățile civice, politicile publice și implicarea în comunitate. Participanții la dezbateri se angajează în argumente structurate, prezentându-și punctele de vedere pe teme precum dreptul de vot, sănătatea publică și justiția socială. Acest campionat contribuie la îmbunătățirea …