Would you believe it if someone told you that your life follows a heroic pattern? Sam Hearn, Fulbright English Teaching Assistant, invites you to explore Joseph Campbell’s idea of the ‘Hero’s Journey’ – a pattern that continues to unite ancient mythology, world religions, and today’s popular hero stories. At this Meet U.S. session, we will …
Hub-ul de învățare pentru viitor, Orange Digital Center, a marcat finalizarea programului „Antreprenoriat de la Zero”, un proiect educațional destinat tuturor celor cu spirit antreprenorial, care doresc să își transforme ideile în afaceri de succes, indiferent de vârstă sau experiență profesională. Programul, desfășurat între 21 septembrie și 16 noiembrie 2024, a reunit 100 de participanți, …
America House invites school students to a workshop on becoming a global citizen. Led by Fulbright English Teaching Assistants, participants will explore key aspects of global citizenship through open, rotating discussions. The goal is to collaboratively generate ideas, share perspectives, and develop a deeper understanding of what it means to be a global citizen in …
COP29 reprezintă cea de-a 29-a Conferință a Părților la Convenția-cadru a Națiunilor Unite privind Schimbările Climatice (UNFCCC). Această reuniune anuală reunește lideri mondiali și experți pentru a negocia măsuri ce vizează reducerea impactului schimbărilor climatice. Conferința din acest an, desfășurată la Baku, are ca temă „Acționați acum” și pune accent pe finanțarea climatică, sustenabilitatea globală …
America House invites university students, lecturers, and researchers to an information session on enhancing academic research skills using the eLibraryUSA digital platform. You will learn how to navigate JSTOR and Academic Search Premier to access a wide range of scholarly articles and academic resources, tailored to your research needs. Rebecca Stuch, a Fulbright Scholar and …
Join us for an exciting Jeopardy about the U.S. education system! Test your knowledge across a variety of topics, from famous alumni to surprising facts about U.S. schools, history of American educational institutions to campus life, and students’ civic engagement in their communities. This Jeopardy game is the perfect way to challenge your intellect, learn …
Achieving a high score on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) can significantly increase your chances of being aaccepted to universities worldwide. If you’re curious about what to expect from the exam, where to find helpful study materials, and how to get started, America House Chisinau invites you to join the TOEFL …
America House Chisinau invites you to a series of events dedicated to International Education Week (November 19-23). Teachers, high school/college/university students, and professionals are welcome to participate in any program they like to attend!Registration Form: https://forms.gle/8tisEqKT4EZRdVWu8 You can find more information below. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐧? | Video ContestNovember 1 – 18More information here: https://www.facebook.com/share/m3wdykKNrqBEWd52/ 𝐓𝐎𝐄𝐅𝐋 …
America House Chisinau invites school and university students to participate in the Video Contest dedicated to International Education Week 2024. This contest aims to highlight the impact of international education on individuals and communities.Participants should focus on personal stories, cultural exchanges, academic growth, and how international education fosters global citizenship. Participants can choose between creating …
Join us for a discussion session about the future of civic activism, focusing on how technology and new media can empower communities and drive social change. Our guest speaker is Douglas Arellanes, a technologist, broadcaster, and software developer focusing on innovative technology solutions for journalism. Douglas was a member of the Prague Civil Society Centre …