TED Talks | Unveiling LGBTQ+ Realities

To celebrate Pride Month and to bring awareness of the challenges that LGBTQ+ people face on a daily basis all around the world, America House Chisinau invites everyone to join the 𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬 conversation session, moderated by the American Spaces volunteer, Ioana Cojocaru.

Whether you are a part of the community, an ally, or simply want to find out more about human rights while practicing your English – join us on June 7 at 5 PM.

Participants will listen to a speech by Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols, a couple from San Francisco, who decided to find out what life is outside the bubble of the Bay Area, and what life is like for people still lacking basic rights.

Feel free to register here: https://forms.gle/Do5fkr2sotKyJXia8

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Centrul Cultural America House
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Centrul Cultural America House

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