Dream. Act. Inspire. | Celebrating MLK Jr. Day

Join us for an engaging discussion about MLK Jr. legacy. Let’s learn about MLK’s life, his non-violent approach to justice, and lasting impact through his iconic I Have a Dream speech. 

In small groups, we will reflect on what equality means in our schools and communities and discuss how we can address today’s challenges. Through real-life scenarios, we will apply Dr. King’s principles of peace and justice to stand against bullying and hate.

You will be encouraged to think critically about your role in creating positive change and aligning your personal dreams with Dr. King’s vision for a better society.

To conclude, you will make a personal pledge to take action toward building a more just and compassionate society.

This event is an opportunity to honor Dr. King’s vision and be inspired to become part of the solution.

Registration Form: https://forms.gle/jxzZu8ZuLcWtbqUU7

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Centrul Cultural America House
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Centrul Cultural America House

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