TED Talks | Can Art Change History?

America House Chisinau invites everyone interested in practicing English language skills by speaking about the subjects that matter. This time together we are going to watch and discuss the TED Talks presented by the artist Titus Kaphar.

His work reconfigures and regenerates art history to include the African-American subject. He makes paintings and sculptures that wrestle with the struggles of the past while speaking to the diversity and advances of the present. In an unforgettable live workshop, Kaphar takes a brush full of white paint to a replica of a 17th-century Frans Hals painting, obscuring parts of the composition and bringing its hidden story into view. There’s a narrative coded in art like this, Kaphar says. What happens when we shift our focus and confront unspoken truths?

Come to watch the speech and discuss it with our American Spaces volunteer! Use this link to register! https://forms.gle/XEaf62hv91Ldfoqz6

The event will take place on February 8, at 5 PM, at America House Chisinau (27 Banulescu-Bodoni St.).

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Centrul Cultural America House
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Centrul Cultural America House

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