America House Chisinau invites EFL Teachers to the “Conflict Resolution Skills with Board Games” Program.
During five sessions (January 14 – February 11), Olga Morozan, a Fulbright Alumna with more than ten years of experience in managing and coordinating projects, will share conflict resolution strategies for schools and universities, and how board games can help to resolve a complicated conflict.
The schedule is:
Day 1 (January 14, 1 AM – 2PM) Conflict Resolution Skills Strategies and Developing Resources;
Day 2 (January 21, 11AM – 2PM) Teaching Conflict Resolution Skills via Games and Simulations: The New World Game;
Day 3 (January 28, 11AM – 2PM) The Hidden Treasure Game as an Interactive Board Game to Develop EFL Students’ Conflict Resolution Skills;
Day 4 (February 4, 11AM – 2 PM) Using the Buddies and the Inquisitive Snake Games as Board Games to Develop Conflict Resolution Skills in EFL Classes;
Day 5 (February 11, 11 AM – 2 PM) Hints and Tips in Developing Conflict Resolution Skills Games.
The workshop will include presentations, teamwork, game playing, video analysis and game creation.
If you are interested, and able to attend all sessions, please fill in the registration form:

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