Meet U.S. | Pathways to a Clean and Secure Energy Future

 America House invites you to take part in an informal discussion about the issues related to securing a clean and sustainable energy future in Moldova.

The discussion will focus on the core issues and concepts surrounding the challenges related to developing countries, with a particular focus on Moldova. 

While there are numerous challenges to the envisioned future, there are pathways for doing so.  

The guest speaker, Dr. Michel Curtis, Energy Team Lead at USAID, will approach the topic from a non-technical perspective and through an interdisciplinary perspective that combines the social, political, environmental, and economic perspectives. 

Michael Curtis is an energy and development expert and is a Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government where he teaches a graduate course on International Development and Energy Policy. Dr. Curtis is leading a large energy program for USAID in Moldova and previously has led similar programs in Central Asia, Pakistan, and other countries in the developing world. His programs focused on assisting developing countries transition to a clean energy future through enabling policy and regulatory reforms, modernizing power infrastructures, and adopting clean energy technologies, fostering private investments and financing, building capacity in government institutions, and supporting the establishment of regional power markets. 

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Centrul Cultural America House
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Centrul Cultural America House

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