Celebrating American Women in STEM | Workshop

Join us for an inspirational event celebrating women in STEM!

On February 11, from 4:00 – 5:30 PM, the American Spaces Volunteers Ece Kahraman and Francesca Istratii will be hosting a workshop featuring Brooke Dunnery, a Peace Corps volunteer with a Bachelor of Science in marine science and a Master of Science in chemistry, who will share her incredible journey and insights into the world of science. 

We will also have hands-on experiments and an engaging presentation all about the amazing contributions of American and Moldovan women in science. 

Come to connect, learn, and have fun while celebrating the women shaping the future of STEM!

Registration form:https://forms.gle/jd9DX3Hpd49CLsVaA

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Centrul Cultural America House
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Centrul Cultural America House

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