Call for participants for Erasmus+ international seminar!

Call for participants for Erasmus+ international seminar! Date: 14-23 December, 2021. Location: Ganja / Azerbaijan. Number of participants from Moldova: 4.

Project aims at the competence development of the youth workers that will be carrying the activities at local level in their communities for employability, entrepreneurship education and community development. Through the training they will be empowered and well equipped with competencies to take an active role in community development and to make better use of existing learning opportunities for increasing their employability.

The main objectives are:

– To share youth work practice on entrepreneurship education and community development;
– To build transnational networks among youth stakeholders and plan follow-up projects;
– To promote the OERs of the project and the lessons learned.

To apply to the project fill in the form: click here.

Deadline for application: 20 of October

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Institutul de Instruire in Dezvoltare MilleniuM
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Institutul de Instruire in Dezvoltare MilleniuM

Institutul de Instruire în Dezvoltare “MilleniuM” reprezintă o asociaţie obştească de cercetare, instruire şi dezvoltare, care activează pe o serie de domenii legate de dezvoltare personală, dezvoltare organizaţională, dezvoltare comunitară şi dezvoltare parteneriate. În ultimii ani ne axăm pe promovarea calităţii educaţiei non-formale şi lucrului de tineret în Republica Moldova.

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