Discussion Session | Give me future: Innovations in civic activism from around the region

 Join us for a discussion session about the future of civic activism, focusing on how technology and new media can empower communities and drive social change.

Our guest speaker is Douglas Arellanes, a technologist, broadcaster, and software developer focusing on innovative technology solutions for journalism. Douglas was a member of the Prague Civil Society Centre board for 10 years, from its founding until July 2024, and advised on technology and media issues. A co-founder of the Czech nonprofit institute Sourcefabric, Arellanes has won several awards for technology solutions with news organizations in developing countries and has led several significant journalism innovation projects. He is also a longtime moderator on Radio 1 91.9FM in Prague.

Douglas holds a bachelor’s degree in Book Arts from the College of Creative Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Don’t miss the chance to meet him and discuss about Civic Activism. 

Registration form: https://forms.gle/evTLahwzEguEsJz5A

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