Discover American Culture: A Fun and Interactive Summer Learning Experience|Summer Camp

This summer program aims to immerse participants into the rich and diverse culture of the United States through fun and interactive activities. Students will explore various aspects of American culture, including history, geography, music, food, and everyday life, in an engaging and educational manner. The program fosters a deeper understanding of American society and its cultural nuances.

The goal of the program is to provide participants with a comprehensive and enjoyable understanding of American culture and enhance their intercultural competence through practical and fun activities related to American traditions and daily life.

By the end of the program, participants will create a fun and interactive multimedia project (e.g., a short video, presentation, or poster) that reflects their understanding and insights gained about American culture. This project will be presented on the final day, allowing participants to showcase their learning and creativity.

You can register here:

The program is free of charge and is for 14-17 y/o students.

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Centrul Cultural America House
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Centrul Cultural America House

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