Digital Book Contest: History – Making African Americans

Do you know why February is considered Black History month? 

February is the birth month of two notable figures who contributed to African American liberation and civil rights: U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation, and African American abolitionist, author, and orator Frederick Douglass. 

From February 7 to 21, America House Chisinau invites high school students aged 14 – 18 to participate in a digital book contest on the topic: History-Making African Americans! 

Participants are encouraged to explore the topic, learn about African Americans who were pioneering figures and changed the course of history in different fields such as law, engineering, health, music, sports, etc., and present the findings by designing their own digital book.


The digital book should be around 12 pages. 

You can use all kinds of written, visual and audio materials and products that will cover the topic.

The content should be original, no plagiarism allowed!

You can choose any of the following tools or other of your choice:




Please send your book or the link to your book (with open access) to Let us know your Name/Surname, Institution and which grade are you in! 

For inspiration, you can find a similar digital book contest on a different topic

The winners will be chosen by public vote and awarded prizes

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Centrul Cultural America House
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Centrul Cultural America House

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