Earth Day every day!: what “eco-friendly” means and what can we do to improve the environment

The world we live in gives us signs that it is time to change the way we look at our environment! In the past few years, our ecosystem got worse, billions of trash materials were thrown into the ocean, pollution is happening in every single part of the world, people are being indifferent, this all led to the most significant issue, Global Warming. 

Why do we need an eco-friendly environment?

In order to be able to travel from country to country, to discover the world’s wonders, we need to understand why it is essential to have an eco-friendly environment. The main reason is to be healthy. Being able to breathe fresh and clean air helps to live longer and be in harmony with nature. Eating healthy food without pesticides is important for everyone. Having to eat and to enjoy a naturally grown fruit or vegetable will improve your body’s health. Swimming in clean rivers, seas, oceans, is the most pleasing experience everyone has gone through, but unfortunately, there are many more places with polluted beaches than clean ones.

Last but not least, being able to see the wonders of the world and to be thankful for the world we live in and protect it.

15 Easy Ways to Become Environmentally Friendly - Conserve Energy Future

What can we do to improve the environment?

Regardless of whether you’ve decided to go green to help the environment, to save money, or see how easy it is, every step you take towards eco-friendly living is one that helps the state of the world.

If you’re just starting and want some sustainable living ideas, then here are a couple to get you started:

1. Use Canvas Bags Instead Of Plastic. 

2. Start A Compost Pile Or Bin. 

3. Purchase The Right Light Bulb. 

4. Choose Cloth Over Paper. 

5. Cut Down On Energy In Your Home.

6. Invest in eco-friendly technology

7. Don’t waste food

8. Use eco-friendly cleaning products

   9. Plant some trees

  10. Fix it, don’t throw it

Earth Day

What do we do at Heritage International School? 

I want to give Heritage International School as an example. Teachers and scholars respect and care for our Earth. They are determined to set an excellent example for other individuals and schools by becoming a safe, healthy, and eco-friendly environment.

Last year, the teachers and students all worked together and collaborated in reducing all the plastic cups in the school; it was a great success and eventually led to getting rid of all of the plastic cups. Besides, we also encouraged our Heritage members to obtain an eco-friendly, reusable water bottle for daily use. From then on, we began to reduce other harmful materials from our school as well.

This year, the students from Heritage International School are motivated to continue and do much more for our environment! We, the members of the Student Council Eco Committee, are putting a lot of effort and hard work into having many scholars take part in our projects and improving our current state in our school and environment. We have launched our first project, bins designed for paper, which will be taken to the nearest recycling centre in Chisinau.

In Moldova, we also have many other schools/colleges/universities that do the same! Moldova has developed many ideas and projects which will soon be launched, such as bins for reducing plastic in the cities, an assembly of noteworthy climate activists aiming to inform, persuade, and encourage us to help improve our beautiful Earth.

Find out about more opportunities on Facebook, Instagram and Telegram.

Reporter Gesica Sirbu

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Daniela Panico
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Daniela Panico

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