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english camp

America House invites school students to learn about the stereotypes, role models, and societal norms in American life. You will explore these concepts through holiday traditions, cultural icons, and the values commonly celebrated in the U.S.  Day 1: Stereotypes and Self-Awareness (American Holidays Focus)Day 2: Role Models and Critical Thinking (American Icons and Traditions)Day 3: …

Who ? KBC Молодежка Upgrade What ? English Summer City Project When ? 11th-14th of July 2017, 09:00-12:00 Where? Chisinau, Botanica, Cuza-Voda 17/6 Short description: Real English speakers will help you tighten your level of English in a short time. With English Summer Camp Project you will be able to learn the language  from the basics to advanced. Receive …