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America House Chisinau

Vă invitam la sesiunea informativă moderată de Viorica Raischii, cercetătoare la Institutul de Fiziologie și Sanocreatologie, care ne va vorbi despre cum putem să avem o alimentație sănătoasă în viața de zi cu zi. În cadrul acestui eveniment, vom explora împreună cele mai recente cercetări în domeniul nutriției și sănătății, abordând subiecte esențiale precum: 1. …

Join the Young Scientist Academy at America House for a four-day Youth STEM Research workshop! Participants will learn the process of science as it is done in the professional community as they complete a short, hands-on research project bringing together technology, lab and field research, and science communication. Topics will include investigating water quality, analyzing …

America House invită tinerii la o discuție despre importanța unei alimentații sănătoase. Alimentația joacă un rol esențial în asigurarea nutrienților necesari pentru o dezvoltare armonioasă și o creștere sănătoasă, oferind tinerilor energia necesară pentru activitățile zilnice. O dietă echilibrată nu doar că reduce riscul îmbolnăvirilor, dar contribuie și la menținerea unei stări de sănătate optime, …

America House invită toți tinerii să participe la un workshop legat de participarea electorală responsabilă! Ești pregătit să-ți exprimi votul? În calitate de alegător, vei avea șansa de a învăța, de a te implica și de a acționa! Alătură-te nouă la un atelier captivant conceput special pentru tine! De ce să participi? Vei descoperi detaliile …

Join us for an engaging discussion with Joanne Kramb, Attaché for Education and Culture at the U.S. Embassy. Born and raised in Texas, Joanne will offer an interesting perspective on the Lone Star State, sharing insights into its history, diverse culture, and traditions. Though she has lived most of her adult life in Virginia, her …

Make your own creative postcard together with the American Spaces Volunteers! Anyone can participate in this interesting event where you can develop your creative skills, interact with new people and get a postcard at the end. Everyone will get to make unique and colorful designs using different techniques and materials. No experience or previous knowledge …

 America House Chisinau is excited to invite you to a fun-filled day where we will celebrate International Tourism Day, all thanks to our amazing America House volunteers! What’s Happening? Kick-off Presentation: We’ll start with a presentation by our volunteers Loredana and Cristina, who will share cool insights about the magic of tourism in the U.S.  …

Join us for an engaging session on the FLEX exchange program, where we will discuss the application process, benefits, some tips and tricks on completing a successful application for FLEX, and find out the personal experiences of two distinguished alumni. The FLEX exchange program, funded by the U.S. Department of State, offers Moldovan high school …

America House invites youth aged 14-17 to explore different aspects of American culture, from its historic events and legendary figures to its social and artistic movements.  Through interactive games, discussions, inspiring stories, and team-based challenges, participants will learn about the American lifestyle, traditions, values and events that have shaped the nation. Join us for an …

World Day against Trafficking in Persons is a day dedicated to raising awareness about human trafficking globally. It serves as a reminder of the urgent need to combat this crime and support victims. America House plans to mark the day with a screening of a documentary about human trafficking “Not My Life: The Global Impact …