Learn with Leaders: Webinar with Steven Sloman “Why is critical thinking important in the 21st Century?”

On April 9, 2022, I participated in a Coffee Session Takeaway webinar with Mr Steven Sloman and his partner, Tao Burga. Mr Steven is a bestselling author and professor of Linguistic, Cognitive, and Psychological Sciences at Brown University.

Once I received an email telling me I was selected, I was astounded by this prospect! I was one of the 15 students from the world chosen among the many who registered. The Republic of Moldova is a small country, but slowly our young leaders are warming up and showing capabilities. Before this session, I read chapter eleven in Mr. Steven’s The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone. I also wanted to educate myself more about the author and the Learn with Leaders organization; therefore, I did my thorough research.

At the beginning of the session, we were asked: “Why is critical thinking important nowadays?” My answer regards the current situation here. Critical thinking is vital because it helps us think about ways to find solutions to an issue and navigate through the modern world. 

Moldova is right across the border of Ukraine, and the stability there is not the best. Indeed, if we combine critical thinking with collaboration, we strive for the same aim: to help our people. Moldova works with Romania, Slovakia, Poland etc. to help Ukrainian refugees flee with ease. Thinking in this way, we are able to discover courses of action that would benefit all local, national, and global perspectives (donations and charities).

I enjoyed the session. As mentioned in Mr. Steven’s chapter, collaboration is key to practical understanding. I learned from each student: to understand the correlation from causation, appreciate our ignorance, apprehend our uncertainty, and understand how familiar slogans/sayings can have a variety of meanings (especially in different languages). For example: “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” or “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.” 

I was incredibly impressed by the cultural diversity and the many countries involved in today’s webinar. “Take advantage of our community of knowledge.” – Steven Sloman. To find out more, click this link to access the Learn with Learners official websites and experience the same!

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Daniela Panico
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Daniela Panico

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