Are you interested in global collaboration, cultural diversity, and impactful change? Behold Harvesting Humanity

Moldova was chosen as one of the five countries to participate in “Harvesting Humanity” debut with 30 solutionaries. The E.Y.E Witness Fellowship is an intentional design created by Ebone Lockett (the director) of Science, Technology, Reading and Writing, Engineering, Arts, Architecture and Mathematics. With great integrity and holistic views, service-learning curricula and experiences serve as a way to engage, prepare, and position young leaders of the future.

What is this programme about?

Throughout this 11-month fellowship, participants will implicate schools, communities, firms, and organisational stakeholders. Not to mention making observations from local, national, and global perspectives. Furthermore, we have the great privilege to meet notable individuals, such as the motivational speaker, Kelly Little. The team collaborates with others across distances, differences and divides.

What can participants receive?

All 30 participants receive technology tools (Apple Ipad,) support, and stipends ($750.00 USD) for self-usage and ($500.00 USD) for creative purposes and the implementation of “service-learning” projects that we will showcase at the February Finale. The best thing you will ever earn is an all-time great experience!

Meet the Moldovean team

Moldova has five representatives: Lia Chilaru, Laurentiu Chirila, Marilena Ciobanu, Loredana Sandu, and Gesica Sîrbu. Moldova is a small and simple country, and for most of it, the idea of equality is still not entirely understood. The team kept the focus on one specific global issue. We intend to fight for equality for quality – a topic common worldwide. Once a month, the team would meet with the other solutionaries from the other five/six countries: the United States, Jamaica, Ghana, Portugal. 

What is our mission?

Each member is in charge of their tasks, and along the way, they document each step, each progress. We have come across remarkable goals, such as meeting Ms Otilia Vlasov (United Nations representative of Moldova) and working on the ‘Digital Project.’ In March, the team’s aim is to create an outcome that will change Moldova’s perspective on youth and encourage respect for all women and men, girls and boys, bodies and skins, and abilities. We live in a society where standards tower over, intimidating us. Their plan? To execute a silent protest virtually in three languages (English, Romanian, and Russian). The team wants to build a network that would support them moving forward and encourage others to do the same. 

If you are interested in participating, the applications will be released soon for the Harvesting Humanity 2022 – this is your chance to represent your country! For more information, visit the Harvesting Humanity official website and social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Support the Moldovan team on social media: Instagram and Twitter.

Reporter Youth. MD: Gesica Sirbu

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