Agenția Expertise France angajeaza doi experți pe termen scurt

Agenția franceză de cooperare internațională Expertise France angajează doi experți pe termen scurt: 1. consolidarea capacitatii Centrului de instruirea a avocatilor; 2. revizuirea cadrului de reglementare și a procedurilor de funcționare a UA cu accent pe consolidarea mecanismelor de admitere în profesie, funcționare și transparență a Comisiei de Licențiere.

  1. Local Short Term Expert _Strenghten Lawyer’s Training Center (M/W)

This assignment aims at increasing capacities of laywer ensuring improvement of fair trial rights, and increased provision of quality legal aid in line with inter-national standards (component 2). 

The objective of the mission is to strengthen the capacities of the Lawyers’ Training Centre. 

Requested services:

Under the supervision of the Team, the Expert will provide the following services:

  • Desk research of relevant national legal framework and legal context, and development in collaboration with the Local Short Term Expert a short working Methodology on the Guideline (maximum 2 pages)
  • Participate in research meetings with beneficiaries to validate and further explore indicative findings of the desk research
  • In close collaboration with the International Short Term Expert, draft and submit to the National Expert the Guidelines on tools in organizing trainings
  • In close collaboration with the International Short Term Expert, draft and submit to the project National Expert the Report with recommendations on fulfilling mandatory continuous training hours by lawyers.

Requested outputs:

The expert will be asked to produce the following deliverables, under the super vision of the Team leader and the coordinating expert :

  • Guidelines on tools in organising trainings developed.
Required profile:
  • At least 5 years of experience in the field of justice, human rights, legal aid, legal education;
  • Proven professional experience in justice sector reform projects, in particular legal reform of the Bar;
  • English language knowledge at least B2 level.

Informații suplimentare găsiți aici.

Termen-limită de aplicare: 08 mai 2022.

2. Local Short Term Expert_Review of Operating Procedures (M/W)

This assignment aims at increasing capacities of laywer ensuring improvement of fair trial rights, and increased provision of quality legal aid in line with inter-national standards (component 2). 

Requested services:

Under the supervision of the Team, the local Expert will provide the following services:

  • Desk research of relevant national legal framework and legal context, as well as draft in collaboration with the National Short Term Expert a short working methodology for the analytical report, including recommendations (maximum two pages)
  • Participate in research meetings with beneficiaries to validate and further explore indicative findings of the desk research;
  • Draft and submit to the National Expert the analytical report on the mechanisms of admission to the profession, functioning and transparency of the Licensing Commission;
  • Present and discuss the analytical report during a round table at national level with beneficiaries. Revise the analytical report following the feedback received during the round table and submit the final version to the National Expert for approval

Requested outputs:

The expert will be asked to produce the following deliverables, under the super vision of the Team leader and the coordinating expert :

  • An analytical report on the mechanisms of admission to the profession, functioning and transparency of the Licensing Commission developed
  • Round Table to present and discuss the analytical report and recommendations organised.
Required profile
  • At least 5 years of experience in the field of justice, human rights, legal aid, legal education;
  • Proven professional experience in justice sector reform projects, in particular legal reform of the Bar;
  • English language knowledge at least B2 level.

Informații suplimentare găsiți aici.

Termen-limită de aplicare: 08 mai 2022.

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Ecaterina Braguță
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Ecaterina Braguță

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