A Journey of Images and Stories through the Lenses of a BBC Journalist

America House Chisinau invites you to attend a session that will offer you an imaginary journey through the diverse regions of England with Tony Parker, an experienced producer and Commissioning Executive at BBC England.

In this conversation, Tony Parker will share personal anecdotes, insights, and video clips from various programs, offering a unique lens into England’s unique identity.

You`ll have the chance to discover the peaceful beauty of Northumberland in “Winter Walks,” then feel the excitement of young people joining the army in North Yorkshire in “Soldier.”

Learn about Vietnamese boys in Liverpool in “Nail Bar Boys” and see how young builders make a living in the Midlands in “Brickies.” Explore the history of Caribbean immigrants in Birmingham in “Black Brummies” and enjoy the calm of England’s canals in “Canal Boat Diaries.” Throughout the talk, remember that England is full of diverse stories and places. Through Tony Parker`s stories and videos, you’ll get a better understanding of the many faces of England.

Registration form: https://forms.gle/febLGy1WPVTaFnT46

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Centrul Cultural America House

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