Prevent spreading bullying: what can you do? Take action!


Perhaps, all of us know the term “bullying” and what it means. In case you do not know just yet: it is “a physical or verbal aggression that is repeated over a period.” 

However, in more than a half acts of violent domination, both a victim and witnesses of injustice prefer taking a back seat. Unfortunately, the raised problem exists in the Republic of Moldova, too.  This article has a clear mission – to provide not just some well-known facts of the fenominen, but solutions and help whatever you are facing now.

“Those who understand will never judge.”

The very first thing I want you to know: you are not alone. If one human can then there is no doubt that you are next. Here are some personal advice:

  • The awful words somebody says to you, have nothing in common with who you’re as a person;

“Weak” people tend to always find somebody to blame and they will keep doing it. It has nothing to deal with your appearance, social status, and family income. You can be as good as you possibly can, but there will be a person who hates you either because YOU ARE TOO GOOD and they cannot reach your level,or they do not know how to outstand – that is the only solution.

  • Do not keep silent!

Please, don’t wait till it resolves itself, because it won’t. The longer it lasts, the worse it gets. You’ve your right to speak and to be heard!  If there is somebody who threatens you and you’ve no idea how to get over this situation, feel free to call:

  • 0 800 77777 – National Red Line “La strada”;
  • (+373) 22 116 111 – Children’s Red Line against all types of discrimination and bullying;

*if you are a student, there has to be psychologist\counselor\HR manager – people, whose job function is to provide you sustainable academic\work life, do not hesitate to ask for help.

  • Talk to people, who you think would at least be near;

We all try to seem so successful and powerful,  but even “superheroes” need a shoulder to lie down on. Your family, friends and some other close people are those, who are your “plamework” at the dark times. Those who understand will never judge. You have those people, look carefully!

“You never look good trying to make someone look bad.”

As it was mentioned earlier before – people who bully you have no other way to outstand. Stay true to yourself! Please, do not ever try to hurt somebody because somebody else has offended you.  No doubt, it is challenging, but instead I would assume the best you can when you feel offended is to  take your time to cool your mind down. Get rid of the revenge thoughts!

Tip: give a chance to meditation and yoga to calm you down. These 2 techniques are the best when it comes to reducing a stress level and body tension.

“…if silent staring is the best thing you can do, then do nothing at all; indifference equals weakness…”

What  you can do if you are a witness of a verbal and physical dominance:

  • Do not wait till it goes worse: take a victim out of the space;
  • Take your time and just be near whether a person wants to be heard (sometimes it is enough);
  • Go it public: people should know who they work with.

Doubtless, the Republic of Moldova has been facing this problem. Instead of pretending that there is no such verbal and physical violence, you gradually can make this situation go better! You can make somebody happier!

Do not forget to share this article to prevent spreading bullying! Go and leave your comments regarding the topic on, Instagram and Facebook pages!

Reporter: Anya Manvelova

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