Centrul Cultural America House
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Centrul Cultural America House

Чувствуешь, что твое призвание – приносить пользу и помогать окружающему миру и людям?  Хочешь попробовать себя в роли предпринимателя-предпринимательницы, но планируешь создать более ответственный бизнес? Или, может, тебя волнует определенная социальная либо экологическая проблема, и тебе хочется собрать вокруг себя сообщество единомышленников, чтобы искать пути ее решения? ТРЕНИНГ ПО СОЦИАЛЬНОМУ ПРЕДПРИНИМАТЕЛЬСТВУ и по работе с …

On March 6 join us for a conversation about the importance of promoting women’s rights and empowering women and girls.Let’s find out why it is important to all of us and how it can change society for the better. The distinguished speaker from the U.S. Department of State’s Human Rights Bureau, Benton Wisehart, will share …

America House invites everyone (16 +) to the movie screening of the timeless classic Mona Lisa Smile. Join us for a journey back to the 1950s to get inspired by the progressive art history professor who challenges the norms of her time. Don’t miss out on this movie about courage, women empowerment, and the pursuit …

Acest program este destinat femeilor care ocupă funcții de conducere și are drept scop dezvoltarea abilității acestora de a-și gestiona corect emoțiile, de a comunica empatic cu colegii, de a se implica corect și la timp în conflictele care apar în cadrul echipei și de a reacționa prompt la diferite situații de stres. Moderatoarele programului, …

On March 1 America House celebrates the arrival of spring with the time-honored tradition of Martisor crafting. Led by the passionate #AmericanSpaces volunteers, this hands-on workshop offers a unique opportunity for participants of all ages to engage in the art of crafting Martisor, a cherished symbol of renewal, hope, and friendship in Moldovan culture. During the workshop, …

America House invites you to a conversation session to explore the origins of Black History Month, with a focus on the most prominent African Americans in the art world. Let’s discover together with Sandra Cortina the influence African Americans have had in the fields of visual and performing arts, literature, fashion, folklore, language, film, music, …

America House invites you to watch Southside with You, a 2016 biographical romantic film about the young Barack Obama, the future 44th president of the United States, and Michelle Robinson.  The film chronicles the couple’s first date in 1989, offering insights into their personal lives, aspirations, and the beginnings of their historic partnership. Save a …

Did you know Presidents’ Day is celebrated in the U.S. on the third Monday of February? Join us to find out more about how this federal holiday evolved from honoring George Washington to its modern celebration extended to all U.S. presidents.  The guest speaker, Brett Fortman, an American journalist, will talk about the origins, evolution, …

On February 17, come to find out more about Black History Month, an annual observance that is marked in the United States, known as African-American History Month. Also, you will get acquainted with remarkable personalities and the amazing contributions they have made across culture, politics, and the arts. With the help of your trainer – …

Have you ever heard of a little U.S. state the size of Moldova called Maryland?  Did you know Frederick Douglass, the spokesman for the freedom of African Americans was a Marylander?  On February 14, America House Chisinau invites you to discover what is Maryland known for and why this state is called the Little USA.  …