serviciul european de voluntariat

Îți dorești să participi timp de 12 luni într-un program de voluntariat peste hotare? Atunci nu ezita să aplici
Serviciul European de Voluntariat (EVS) reprezintă o experiență internațională pe termen lung, care permite tinerilor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 18 și 30 să exploreze o țară străină, de această dată în Danemarca. Locația: Herskind, Galten Perioada: Martie 2018 – Martie 2019 Durata: 12 luni Finanțarea Comisiei Europene include: # Acoperirea completă a costurilor de călătorie …

Be a volunteer in a children summer camp in Kaliningrad
What? Children summer camp – English teaching volunteer / unpaid intern Dates: 12 July 2017 – 31 August 2017 Location: Bolshoe Isakovo, Kaliningrad region Requirements: 1-2 volunteers, 18-35 y.o., strong English skills to teach children aged 7-10. Terms and conditions: accommodation provided in the private room, meals provided, Internet and laptop, bedding, washing machine. Monetary compensation …
If you like music, volunteer for a year in Luxembourg
Overview Location: Strassen, Luxembourg Project dates: 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2018 Duration: 12 months Applicants: a young person between the age of 18-30 Application deadline: 03/09/2017 Hosting institution: UGDA Music School European Voluntary Service Project Description “Youth for Music” gives one volunteer specific administrative, creative and pedagogical tasks, according to their skills and interests, related to our scheduled youth …
Volunteer for a year in Amsterdam in an educational tour
Overview Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Project dates: 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2018 Duration: 12 months Applicants: 2 persons between the age of 18-30 Application deadline: 01/07/2017 Hosting institution: Anne Frank Stichting Project Description and volunteer’s tasks The European Voluntary Service volunteer at the Anne Frank House contributes to the educational outreach work of the House. The …