Daniela Panico
About the author

Daniela Panico

Lefkada este una dintre cele mai frumoase insule din Grecia, cu plaje celebre, peisaje dramatice de coastă și multe sate tradiționale. Insula este predominant muntoasă, însă peisajele sale se schimbă, de la vegetație luxuriantă la plaje nesfârșite, cu nisipuri fine, adăpostite în golfuri mărginite de stâncă. Plaja Porto Katsiki Este cea mai cunoscută plajă din Lefkada, fiind …

Educația este un factor esențial în creșterea și dezvoltarea noastră ca oameni ai societății, de aceea avem nevoie de cele mai bune studii și cel mai bun sistem educațional, ceea ce din păcate după unii indicatori se găsește doar în Finlanda.  Finlanda are cel mai ridicat nivel de trai din lume și cel mai evoluat …

Luxury Style Moldova is the most substantial and most diverse modelling agency in the Republic of Moldova. The founder, Korneliu Vidrașco and the director provide opportunities to walk down the runway, take professional photoshoots, and learn about manners and the right way to self-care. Why choose them? When you think about modelling, you may get …

Healthcare should never have to depend on where you live, how much money you have, your race, or your gender. Health is a complex, multi-dimensional dilemma topic of discussion, especially as a human right. Health is defined as the state of obtaining a good physical and mental well-being and dismissing illnesses and diseases. Human rights …

Many of you have heard of the famous Eurovision happening year-round. The biggest and most musical event is a must. Get ready for the 10th of May for a start, and hear the winners on the 14th – countries celebrating their victories in unity and cultural diversity! Indeed, we are all waiting for Moldova’s grand …

How would you like to be in a class of 100? The influence of society and culture has definitely played their role in shaping academia. Nowadays, the academic sphere is different and is encouraged not just in school but all around us. Gender equality and its impact During the Victorian era, the sex imbalance was …

Dear colleagues, students, and teachers, I would like to talk to you about forming a school council. I want you all to take this moment to think about what a student body means to you. I want you to cast your vote whether you support or oppose this idea. Despite many schools have already implemented …

În zilele noastre varietatea de filme este mare, fiind create diferite tipuri pentru plăcerile tuturor. De asemenea sunt și multe ce se axează pe creierul uman, boli mintale etc., iar noi am întocmit o listă, special pentru fanii de psihologie și arta cinematografică. 12 Angry Men  Dramă (1957)Subiecte: Dezvoltare socială, moralăActori: Henry Fonda, John Fiedler …

The future of storage is unknown. Over many years, these physical media made by hand have enabled humankind to build magnetic tapes and hard disks. However, they may exhibit a one hundred per cent failure rate. Thus, scientists are looking for alternative resources, mainly from nature, to power up and stimulate new and improved storage. …

Ever since the evolution of technology, life has drastically changed. The use of IT affects health and well-being. As consequences of ICT some problems that may arise are eye/posture problems, sleep deprivation, and mental health issues. Where can we spot ICT? School As schools become more modern, the level of technology implementations becomes more vital. …